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Race & Ethnicity Resources

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Racial and ethnic perceptions and experiences vary by culture and country. While you are abroad, you may be identified as part of a particular race or ethnicity, or simply as an American student. Perhaps you already have experience mediating between cultures, languages, and/or spaces. Flexibility is a lifelong asset and an important aspect of traveling abroad. Below we provide some resources and considerations to help further prepare you for your travels.

Race & Ethnicity photo

Questions to Consider:
  • Which ethnic and racial groups do I identify with and how are they perceived in my host country?
  • What are the dominant racial and ethnic groups in my host country? Will I be in the majority or minority? How will this affect how I am treated?
  • What is the history of the host country in regards to race and ethnicity? How does it currently affect the climate in the host country today?
  • How might other parts of my identity in addition to my race and ethnicity affect my experience abroad?
Questions generated by the NC State Study Abroad Office 
External Resources
Below are resources to help you better understand how your identity may impact your experience abroad. 

IES Abroad's Race, Ethnicity, & Nationality Resources
IES Abroad's Country-specific Diversity Resources
Reflection: 4 Questions a Student of Color Wish She Had Asked Before Studying Abroad

Reflection: An (Asian) American Abroad
Reflection: Studying Abroad as a Latina First-Generation College Student
IES Abroad's Traveling with Natural Hair
Studying Abroad as a Black Student (video)

On-Campus Support

Identity work can be difficult, yet rewarding. However, you do not have to go through this process alone. There are offices on campuses available to support you!  If you would like to talk through the "Questions to Consider" or other concerns you may have related to this topic, you can reach out to the offices below.

Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center (MEC)

Chris Fishpaw, Director, Student Leadership Programs